We feel like saying OUT! Because OUT, 2020 is over! But also because it was a year of OUF! The team took a little winter break which allowed us to take a breather and take stock of this year, we tell you everything 👇
Your pre-order is a Christmas present and this one hasn't arrived yet?
Don't panic! We thought of you and we offer you these cards to print and to slide under the tree while waiting for our little elves to finish making your gifts :)
Stock alert! As you know, at forlife., we don't really like stock. We only produce on demand, and not one more piece! But sometimes we still have a few pieces left over from customer returns that didn't find the right shoe. So, to please everyone, we put all our returns back on sale, at the same price as a pre-order, and delivered in a few days!
Because we know that at the moment you need to be comfortably confined to your home, we have thought of the ideal room for your Netflix parties and sports sessions in your 30m2: we present you JOE, our jogging.
More than 900 of you responded to our questionnaire on sustainable development. Thank you very much for your participation! Here are the detailed results of your answers.